Calculation of analytical efficiencies#

Copyright © 2022 Michele Castriotta, Igor Baratta, Jørgen S. Dokken

This file contains a function for the calculation of the absorption, scattering and extinction efficiencies of a wire being hit normally by a TM-polarized electromagnetic wave.

The formula are taken from: Milton Kerker, “The Scattering of Light and Other Electromagnetic Radiation”, Chapter 6, Elsevier, 1969.


First of all, let’s define the parameters of the problem:

  • \(n = \sqrt{\varepsilon}\): refractive index of the wire,

  • \(n_b\): refractive index of the background medium,

  • \(m = n/n_b\): relative refractive index of the wire,

  • \(\lambda_0\): wavelength of the electromagnetic wave,

  • \(r_w\): radius of the cross-section of the wire,

  • \(\alpha = 2\pi r_w n_b/\lambda_0\).

Now, let’s define the \(a_\nu\) coefficients as:

\[ \begin{equation} a_\nu=\frac{J_\nu(\alpha) J_\nu^{\prime}(m \alpha)-m J_\nu(m \alpha) J_\nu^{\prime}(\alpha)}{H_\nu^{(2)}(\alpha) J_\nu^{\prime}(m \alpha) -m J_\nu(m \alpha) H_\nu^{(2){\prime}}(\alpha)} \end{equation} \]


  • \(J_\nu(x)\): \(\nu\)-th order Bessel function of the first kind,

  • \(J_\nu^{\prime}(x)\): first derivative with respect to \(x\) of the \(\nu\)-th order Bessel function of the first kind,

  • \(H_\nu^{(2)}(x)\): \(\nu\)-th order Hankel function of the second kind,

  • \(H_\nu^{(2){\prime}}(x)\): first derivative with respect to \(x\) of the \(\nu\)-th order Hankel function of the second kind.

We can now calculate the scattering, extinction and absorption efficiencies as:

\[\begin{split} \begin{align} & q_{\mathrm{sca}}=(2 / \alpha)\left[\left|a_0\right|^{2} +2 \sum_{\nu=1}^{\infty}\left|a_\nu\right|^{2}\right] \\ & q_{\mathrm{ext}}=(2 / \alpha) \operatorname{Re}\left[ a_0 +2 \sum_{\nu=1}^{\infty} a_\nu\right] \\ & q_{\mathrm{abs}} = q_{\mathrm{ext}} - q_{\mathrm{sca}} \end{align} \end{split}\]
import numpy as np
from scipy.special import h2vp, hankel2, jv, jvp
from typing import Tuple

The functions that we import from scipy.special correspond to:

  • jv(nu, x)\(J_\nu(x)\),

  • jvp(nu, x, 1)\(J_\nu^{\prime}(x)\),

  • hankel2(nu, x)\(H_\nu^{(2)}(x)\),

  • h2vp(nu, x, 1)\(H_\nu^{(2){\prime}}(x)\).

Next, we define a function for calculating the analytical efficiencies in Python. The inputs of the function are:

  • eps\(\varepsilon\),

  • n_bkg\(n_b\),

  • wl0\(\lambda_0\),

  • radius_wire\(r_w\).

We also define a nested function for the calculation of \(a_l\). For the final calculation of the efficiencies, the summation over the different orders of the Bessel functions is truncated at \(\nu=50\).

def compute_a(nu: int, m: complex, alpha: float) -> float:
    J_nu_alpha = jv(nu, alpha)
    J_nu_malpha = jv(nu, m * alpha)
    J_nu_alpha_p = jvp(nu, alpha, 1)
    J_nu_malpha_p = jvp(nu, m * alpha, 1)

    H_nu_alpha = hankel2(nu, alpha)
    H_nu_alpha_p = h2vp(nu, alpha, 1)

    a_nu_num = J_nu_alpha * J_nu_malpha_p - m * J_nu_malpha * J_nu_alpha_p
    a_nu_den = H_nu_alpha * J_nu_malpha_p - m * J_nu_malpha * H_nu_alpha_p
    return a_nu_num / a_nu_den

def calculate_analytical_efficiencies(eps: complex, n_bkg: float,
                                      wl0: float, radius_wire: float,
                                      num_n: int = 50) -> Tuple[float, float, float]:
    m = np.sqrt(np.conj(eps)) / n_bkg
    alpha = 2 * np.pi * radius_wire / wl0 * n_bkg
    c = 2 / alpha
    q_ext = c * np.real(compute_a(0, m, alpha))
    q_sca = c * np.abs(compute_a(0, m, alpha))**2
    for nu in range(1, num_n + 1):
        q_ext += c * 2 * np.real(compute_a(nu, m, alpha))
        q_sca += c * 2 * np.abs(compute_a(nu, m, alpha))**2
    return q_ext - q_sca, q_sca, q_ext